On year 2013, I did my PSLE. It was my first major exam and I spent a lot of hard work into making sure I didn't fail. Sure enough, my efforts paid off and on year 2014, I graduated as one of the top students in my class.
I volunteered for this event in Secondary One. I was really interested in Engineering back then because my father is one. Me and my friends underwent a few tests to prove worthy and we did. I got the silver award in proefficientcy. I was blessed back then because I still didn't know the challenges ahead of me.
I went for a kayaking program myself after being promoted to Secondary 4. That year in 2016 was one of the worst in my entire life. I failed almost every class I was in. However I found my salvation in an online tip that advised me to use a timetable to better manage my time. This allowed me to push my grades up to 52%. After a tiring year, i needed to destress in preparation for Secondary 4. Hence, I went for a kayaking course which i sucessfully completed.
The kayaking certainly did help me get my focus back. I spent the entire year trying to catch up to my classmates. I was very behind and I always felt like giving up. My parents, teachers and friends would encourage me to continue which is why i managed to score 14 for my l1r4. This allowed me to enter the course of interest to me.